From JFK to Trump: How the Deep State Eliminates Its Enemies
Unveiling the Shadow Government's Tactics from the 1963 Coup to the 2024 Attempted Assassination
For decades, the American public has been fed a sanitized version of history, one that paints our intelligence agencies as noble defenders of democracy. But when we look at the assassinations and assassination attempts of those who challenge the entrenched powers of Washington, a far more sinister pattern emerges. From the murder of John F. Kennedy in 1963 to the recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life in 2024, one thing is clear: presidents who threaten the status quo don’t survive unscathed.
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Original Coup
November 22, 1963, is a date forever etched in the American psyche. John F. Kennedy, a president who stood against the military-industrial complex and sought to dismantle the CIA’s unchecked power, was shot dead in broad daylight in Dallas, Texas. The official story? A lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, miraculously pulled off the crime of the century.
But let’s call this what it was—a coup.
Oswald himself was gunned down two days later by Jack Ruby, a man with connections to organized crime, before he could testify. Witnesses vanished. Key evidence disappeared. The CIA and FBI withheld critical information from the Warren Commission, ensuring the cover-up remained intact. Declassified documents have since revealed that Oswald was in contact with intelligence assets prior to the assassination. Even former CIA Director Allen Dulles, a man fired by Kennedy, somehow found himself on the commission that "investigated" the assassination. A fox guarding the henhouse.
And what happened after JFK was eliminated? Lyndon B. Johnson escalated Vietnam, enriching defense contractors. The CIA expanded its black operations. The system Kennedy sought to dismantle only grew stronger.
The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump: History Repeats Itself
Fast forward to July 13, 2024. In Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump was standing at a rally when shots rang out. The suspect, Thomas Matthew Crooks, fired at the former president, grazing his ear before being taken out by Secret Service agents. One rallygoer was killed, and two others were wounded.
But the real story isn’t just that Trump survived. It’s that Crooks—a nobody—managed to get into an ideal position for an assassination despite supposedly being "flagged" by federal agencies months before. Where was the Secret Service? Why were key security measures ignored?
Let’s remember: Trump openly challenged the intelligence community, calling out the CIA and FBI for their corruption. He declassified documents exposing their shady dealings. He stood against endless wars. Just like Kennedy, he was a threat to the machine.
And just like Kennedy, he was marked.
Alleged LBJ Confession:
Secret Tape Reveals Assassination Plot
A controversial audio recording allegedly captures a conversation between Billie Sol Estes and Clifton C. Carter discussing Lyndon B. Johnson’s involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The tape suggests that LBJ ordered hitman Mac Wallace to carry out the assassination, revealing deep political corruption and cover-ups.
In this alleged secret recording, Billie Sol Estes and LBJ aide Clifton C. Carter discuss Johnson’s role in JFK’s assassination. Carter claims that Johnson personally ordered Mac Wallace to carry out the hit, citing conflicts between LBJ and Kennedy. Estes expresses frustration over being blackmailed in connection with another suspicious murder and mentions a trail of mysterious deaths linked to the conspiracy. The tape, if authentic, would provide shocking evidence of high-level political assassination, though its credibility remains heavily debated.
The Intelligence Agencies: Puppeteers of American Politics
The CIA and FBI have a long history of operating in the shadows, overthrowing foreign governments, running black ops, and even meddling in domestic affairs. But what’s more disturbing are the lengths to which they have gone to achieve their objectives—without any regard for human lives.
MKUltra – The CIA’s mind control program experimented on unwitting civilians, including dosing individuals with LSD and subjecting them to psychological torture in an effort to develop new interrogation techniques. Many victims suffered severe mental breakdowns or were institutionalized.
COINTELPRO – The FBI’s illegal surveillance program targeted civil rights leaders, journalists, and anti-war activists. They sent fake letters to Martin Luther King Jr., encouraging him to commit suicide, and infiltrated groups like the Black Panthers, leading to assassinations of key figures like Fred Hampton.
Operation Northwoods – Declassified documents reveal that the CIA proposed staging false-flag terrorist attacks on American soil, including bombing U.S. cities and hijacking planes, to justify a war against Cuba.
Iran-Contra Affair – The CIA facilitated the sale of weapons to Iran to fund Nicaraguan rebels (the Contras), while turning a blind eye to massive drug trafficking operations that flooded U.S. cities with crack cocaine.
The CIA’s involvement in drug trade – The agency was implicated in trafficking drugs into American communities, fueling the crack epidemic of the 1980s and devastating inner-city neighborhoods, all while funding covert operations abroad.
Torture and Black Sites – The CIA’s post-9/11 "enhanced interrogation" program subjected detainees to waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and other forms of torture in secret prisons across the globe, many of whom were never even charged with a crime.
Are we really supposed to believe these agencies suddenly play by the rules when it comes to American presidents?
What Comes Next?
JFK was killed. Trump survived—this time. But the playbook remains the same. The intelligence agencies ensure that any leader who dares to oppose their grip on power is either removed or neutralized. The question is, how long will the American people allow this to continue?
These agencies are not protecting democracy; they are manipulating it. If history tells us anything, it’s that those who stand in their way are dealt with accordingly.
The coup of 1963 never ended—it just evolved. Unless we demand full transparency, history will continue to repeat itself.
Voice of Billie Sol Estes:
Sure good to see you. How's life treating you today?
Voice of Clifton C. Carter:
Well, Sol, it's been pretty touch and go situation. Lyndon and I have had quite a few unpleasant words here lately over the deal with that he hired Mac Wallace to assassinate the president. It's been hectic in every way, but we've lived through it this far and I guess we'll continue to do so. Lyndon should have never issued that order to Mac. But we've had our differences and I'm true blue to Lyndon as I've always been and tried to carry out every order that he's ever given me, but this is one I'll probably never be able to forget. And the times that we've had in Texas and the embarrassment that Lyndon had gotten from Kennedy, I guess there wasn't anything else to do but what he did.
Voice of Billie Sol Estes:
Well, you know Lyndon (Inaudible) hit me if he would.
Voice of Clifton C. Carter:
Well, Linden's the kind of person that doesn't want to help anyone. He's all for Lyndon and that's the way he pretty much always been.
Voice of Billie Sol Estes:
Well, they had me backed up on that Henry Marshall killing and they just kind of blackmailed me to keep my mouth shut and if I hadn't had a bunch of tapes that I'd played after he got killed. 17 got killed in this situation very mysteriously. And I've done a lot of time and I've lost a lot of money and hurt my family a whole lot. And it's really got me disgusted with Lyndon in one way and one way I feel real sorry.
I believe you and many others have made a grave error in believing Trump as an enemy of the deep state and placing more weight on some circumstances rather than others of the assassination attempts.
Celia Farber wrote a great piece about the [Israeli] Irgun Agent Who Cast Spells On American president Lyndon Johnson: "Mathilde Krim Was Not Only Behind The Israel Agenda After JFK But Also The Murderous Money Laundering Machine And Terror Organization AMFAR. I Reported In 1992 How Krim INVENTED "Heterosexual AIDS"